The Kentish community is passionate about volunteering and making it easier for people to volunteer, as well as providing community groups with a range of skills to support them.
A core group of community members, supported by Kentish Council, developed their volunteer strategy in 2023 with a focus on creating:
- A community-led approach to volunteering
- A resilient and self-reliant community
- Easy pathways to volunteering and an active community.
As part of the volunteer strategy and to support community groups to encourage, engage and retain volunteers, a priority was to develop a volunteer management toolkit that was easy to understand and use.
Volunteering Tasmania, through the Safeguarding Volunteering Project, supports communities to develop local place-based volunteer strategies through funding from the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
The development of this toolkit has also been supported through the Volunteer Management Activity (VMA) Program delivered by Volunteering Tasmania and funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.