Online Self-Audit for Volunteer Managers

We’re here
to champion


By clicking on the ‘Let’s get started’ button below, you will get access to the Volunteer Manager’s questionnaire. If this is the first round of doing the self-audit, please choose ‘Round 1’ from the drop-down menu at the top. In 6 and/or 12 months from now, you may wish to re-do the Audit, in which case you will choose ‘Round 2’, ‘Round 3’, etc.

When you complete this questionnaire, you will automatically receive a report to show all your answers to the questions, how these answers rate to the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement, and ideas to help you improve your volunteer program. If you have not received this email, please make sure you check your junk folder.

After you have completed this questionnaire, you can go back to the self-audit hub page to generate a unique link that you can send to your volunteers by email. Again, make sure to choose ‘Round 1’ when you do the Audit the first time, and ‘Round 2/3’ when you do follow-up Audits in the future.

All you have to do is write an email to your volunteers to ask them for their input and include the link, then the volunteers’ questionnaire is ready for your volunteers to use! You may wish to inform them that their answers are anonymous, to encourage constructive feedback.

Don’t forget, you can keep track of the responses from your volunteers via the ‘self-audit submissions’ page and decide to generate a combined results report when you are satisfied with the number of volunteers that have completed the questionnaire. This report will provide you with an insight into the way your volunteers rate your volunteer program, against the National Standards.