Future of Volunteering hub

Safeguarding Volunteering

The Innovation Series

Design Thinking Program

Youth Volunteer Army

Future of Volunteering

Research from the State of Volunteering Report 2019 tells us that the volunteering sector is changing. In Tasmania, we are seeing a shift in the way people want to volunteer and an increase in the need for volunteers. By 2030, it is predicted that there will be a shortfall of 40% for volunteers. Volunteering Tasmania is invested in the sustainability of the volunteering sector and in future proofing the future of volunteering in Tasmania.

Our programs and initiatives in this area focus on:

  • Undertaking and participating in research to inform and influence the future of volunteering
  • Using and supporting innovative frameworks and research to increase resilience and relevance
  • Collaborating and building strategic partnerships for investment in volunteering

Volunteer Connect

Volunteer Connect is a national volunteer referral system which connects volunteers and organisations. It allows people to search for a new volunteer role and for volunteer-involving organisations to advertise for and recruit new volunteers.