Emergency Volunteering Including COVID-19
Volunteering Tasmania is proud to play a key role in connecting volunteers and their skills to people, places and organisations who need it most.
We maintain a database of ‘willing volunteers’, people who want to contribute in some way to help others through a crisis or disaster and we match the right people to volunteer organisations in their area involved in support and recovery.
COVID-19 and volunteering
In the current rapidly changing environment of COVID-19, many of you may be already looking out for your neighbours, family and friends.
There is a possibility, however, that we may need to call on volunteers to help others in your local area with organisations supporting the response.
This approach ensures that both volunteers and those they help are protected.
If you have previously registered with Emergency Volunteering CREW (EV CREW) to help in times of disaster we need to have your current information so we can contact you if and when volunteers are required in your area.
Please update your details now. In particular, the information about your current age group, any languages you speak other than English, your mobile phone number and if you have your own transport, phone, computer and reliable internet connection.
You will always have the option to accept or decline any volunteering activity we may offer you at any time in the future.
No longer available to help? Please deregister and we will no longer contact you.
In the meantime, following instructions from public health agencies, staying safe and healthy especially when supporting others are some of the best things that you can do to help your community.
New to volunteering: learn more & register
- Learn more about EV CREW here
- Register for EV CREW here
It’s an effective and safe way to help your community.
You will be contacted if and when your availability, location and skills are needed. But be patient, it might take a while as the needs of the local community are gauged and recovery programs begin.
Volunteer Involving Organisations
Is your organisation receiving expressions of interest from people wanting to volunteer to help with the current emergencies around the state?
With the current situations, your team might not have the capacity to manage enquiries from the public wanting to volunteer.
Invite people to register on EV CREW via emergencyvolunteering.com.au/tas. Their skills, location and availability will be recorded and they’ll be contacted if and when their help is needed.
When your organisation is ready and you know what help you need, we may be able to source additional volunteers for you.
To register your organisation and volunteer requirements please contact Volunteering Tasmania Ph. 03 6231 5550 or email emergencyvol@volunteeringtas.org.au
Volunteer Connect
Volunteer Connect is a national volunteer referral system which connects volunteers and organisations. It allows people to search for a new volunteer role and for volunteer-involving organisations to advertise for and recruit new volunteers.
Already registered with Volunteer Connect?
Click here to sign in and list a role.
Not yet registered?
Fill out the form below.
You only need to register once.