


State of Volunteering Report


How do we know
we’re doing the
right thing?

Volunteering Tasmania will always advocate for and support the rights, well-being and interests of volunteers. We make submissions on government policy and other public policy matters that impact on or have relevance for volunteering.

These submissions are informed by evidence-based research and consultation. Read our recent submissions below.

Budget Priority Submission
Submission to the Tasmania State Government
November 2023

Budget Priority Statement
Submission to the Tasmania State Government
October 2022

Budget Priority Statement
Submission to the Tasmania State Government
December 2021

Budget Priority Statement
Submission to the Tasmania State Government
March 2021

Budget Priority Statement
Submission to the Tasmania State Government
December 2019


A new Aged Care Act – consultation paper 

Justice Miscellaneous (Commission of Inquiry) Bill 2024 – Submission


Youth Network of Tasmania (YNOT) Youth Transitions 18-25 Discussion Paper – submission

A State Volunteering Strategy for Tasmania – briefing paper

Youth Jobs Strategy discussion paper

The Volunteering Industry in Tasmania – briefing paper

Capital City Strategic Plan 2019-29: 2023 review consultation

Submission made to the City of Hobart

Review of Tasmania’s State Recovery Plan – Issues Paper

Submission made to the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Resilience and Recovery

Refreshing Tasmania’s Population Strategy Consultation Paper
Submission made to the Department of State Growth

Measuring What Matters briefing paper

The Tasmanian Women’s Strategy
Submission made to Women in Tasmania | Communities Sport and Recreation

Child and Youth Safe Organisations Bill 2022
Submission made to Department of Justice Tasmania

The Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings
Submission made to Commissioners The Honourable Marcia Neave APO, Professor Leah Bromfield and The Honourable Robert Benjamin AM

Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy
Submission to the Department of Communities Tasmania

Our Healthcare Future Consultation Paper
Submission to the Department of Health Tasmania

Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
Submission made to Royal Commissioners The Honourable Tony Pagone QC and Ms Lynelle Briggs AO

Submission to the Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council
Submission made to the Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council

Premier’s Economic Social Recovery Advisory Council Interim Report: Volunteering Tasmania Synopsis
The Interim Report sets out the impacts of COVID-19 on Tasmania’s economy and people

Shared statement of intent for engaging Tasmanians in recovery and rebuilding
Peak organisations support and lead conversations with Tasmanians about solutions for the future

Election Priorities Statement
February 2024

State Election Priorities
Submission to the Tasmania State Government
April 2021

Volunteer Connect

Volunteer Connect is a national volunteer referral system which connects volunteers and organisations. It allows people to search for a new volunteer role and for volunteer-involving organisations to advertise for and recruit new volunteers.