



Organisational membership

Organisational membership is for organisations that engage volunteers or are involved in the sector. Make sure your voice is heard and receive an array of meaningful benefits to support your work.

Organisational Member Benefits

  1. Access to Best Practice Volunteer Management expertise and guidance.

  2. Corporate volunteering opportunities and linkages.

  3. Promotion through eNews, social media and on the Volunteering Tasmania website.

  4. Personable support for volunteer connect, resource direction and queries.

  5. Opportunities to collaborate with and contribute to advocacy.

  6. Support recognising volunteers e.g. Recognition Certificates.

  7. Networking, shared practice and training opportunities through masterclasses, network meetings and Continuous Professional Development offerings.

Please note: Our membership runs in alignment with the financial year (1 July – 30 June).

Membership fees until 30 June 2025 (inc GST)

Organisation Fees 1 July – 30 Jun inc GST
Small NFP
(under $500k pa turnover)
Medium NFP
($500k – $1million pa turnover)
Large NFP. or
Government Agency
($1 million+pa turnover)

NFP = Not for profit. For profit entities should see our Corporate Supporter page. All prices are inclusive of GST All Fee for Service activity including membership costs are consistent with the Volunteering Tasmania Mission and Values, and all surplus derived from these activities is reinvested into the core purposes of Volunteering Tasmania One membership per incorporated identity

Volunteer Connect

Volunteer Connect is a national volunteer referral system which connects volunteers and organisations. It allows people to search for a new volunteer role and for volunteer-involving organisations to advertise for and recruit new volunteers.