Meet the Team

We’re here
to champion

Our Team

Mel Blake
Mel BlakeChief Executive Officer
Bridget Delaney
Bridget DelaneyAdvocacy and Impact Coordinator
Rhonda Wilson
Rhonda WilsonOperations Coordinator
Sappho Bettega
Sappho BettegaPolicy Officer: Advocacy & Impact
Sharon Wright
Sharon WrightEvaluation and Program Development Coordinator
Nicole Crook
Nicole CrookInclusive Volunteering Coordinator
Theresa Canning
Theresa CanningInclusive Volunteering Coordinator
Sharon Phelps
Sharon PhelpsFinance and Payroll Coordinator
Ruth Osborne
Ruth OsborneVolunteer Management Activity (VMA) Tasmanian Projects Coordinator

Our Volunteers

Our small team of volunteers support a variety of activities in the work we do at Volunteering Tasmania.
Current volunteers include:

Caroline Cochrane
Caroline Cochrane
Tevas Lau
Tevas Lau

Our Board

Sarah Wilcox
Sarah WilcoxChair
Chris Brookwell
Chris BrookwellDeputy chair, treasurer, and chair of the Finance Risk Audit Committee
Lynne Hanlon
Lynne HanlonDirector and chair of the Governance Committee
Cameron Scott
Cameron Scott Director
Madeleine Figg
Madeleine Figg Director
Jacob Miller
Jacob MillerDirector
Favour David-Onu
Favour David-OnuDirector

Volunteer Connect

Volunteer Connect is a national volunteer referral system which connects volunteers and organisations. It allows people to search for a new volunteer role and for volunteer-involving organisations to advertise for and recruit new volunteers.