Individual Membership

Individual membership is for people with an interest in volunteering and a passion for supporting the volunteering sector. You do not need to become a member to apply for volunteering roles. Individual membership does not come with access to the Member’s Portal area.

Individual Member Benefits:

  • Demonstration of your support for Volunteering Tasmania and the volunteering sector.
  • Voting rights at our AGM (x1 vote).
  • Significant discount on any Volunteering Tasmania activities or services which attract a charge, including events.
  • First round invitations for any suitable special offerings which pop up throughout the year .

Please note: Our membership runs in alignment with the financial year (1 July – 30 June).

Membership fees until 30 June 2025 (inc GST)

MembershipFees 1 July – 30 June inc GST
Individual Membership$44
Individual (Concession)$22

All prices are inclusive GST

All Fee for Service activity, including membership costs, are consistent with the Volunteering Tasmania mission and values, and all surplus derived from these activities is reinvested into the core purpose of Volunteering Tasmania.

One membership per incorporated identity.